Do these steps the first time you add Caramel to your plugin.
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
return Caramel.getInstance().onCommand(sender, command, label, args);
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args) {
return Caramel.getInstance().onTabComplete(sender, command, alias, args);
First, lets make a brand new class and have it implement a Caramel Command. For this tutorial, I’ll be using the class name “MyCommand” and main file “MyPlugin”.
public class MyCommand implements CaramelCommand {
public CaramelCommandDetail getDetails() {
return ...;
public void onPlayer(Player player, List<String> args) {
player.sendMessage("Hello Player!");
public void onConsole(CommandSender sender, List<String> args) {
sender.sendMessage("Hello Console!");
After this, fill in the getDetails function like below:
public CaramelCommandDetail getDetails() {
return new CaramelCommandDetail(
"label", // Must be the same as in plugin.yml
"plugin.permission", // Can be any permission, you should define your perms in plugin.yml tho
file under commands
. It should have the basic layout of commands > my-command-name > description+usage
.public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public CaramelCommand myCommand;
// rest of your code below
public void onEnable() {
Caramel.getInstance().commands.register(myCommand = new MyCommand());
public void onDisable() {
Step 1 - Dead simple - Add this code to your command file:
public List<String> complete(String[] args) {
Simply return
a List<> of your choices.
return Arrays.asList("my", "choices");
Caramel comes bundled with a tab completion handler for some no-hassle satisfying tab completion.
// Both of these example only work for one argument, as we only use "args[0]". See below for more.
return CaramelUtility.tabComplete(args[0], Arrays.asList("example", "choices"));
// OR, use Caramel's tabCompletePlayers option.
return CaramelUtility.tabCompletePlayers(args[0], Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers());
This will shorten the tab completion options based on how much you have already typed (like autocomplete). To further the complexity (aka if you have multiple args) you can handle it based on what argument you are on. Example:
Lets say you have a command with the usage /command
if(args.length == 1) { // first argument - pet
String arg = args[0]; // [0] is the first argument in an array.
return CaramelUtility.tabComplete(arg, Arrays.asList("cat", "dog"));
} else if(args.length == 2) { // next argument - name, no tab completion
return Collections.emptyList();
} else if(args.length == 3) { // last argument - player, player completion
String arg = args[2];
return CaramelUtility.tabCompletePlayers(arg, Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers());