

Making each recipe

First, get started by making a new class for your recipe, and implementing all the methods:

public class MyFirstRecipe extends CaramelRecipe {
  public ItemStack getResult() {return ...;};
  public CaramelRecipeDetail getDetails() {return ...;};
  public NamespacedKey getKey() {return ...;};

Result needs to be an ItemStack to return as the output.

Key needs to be a NamespacedKey with your Plugin/Identifier and the recipe’s identifier.

The details are where we define the actual recipe:

  new CaramelRecipeValue[] {},
  new String[] {
    "   ",
    "   ",
    "   "

The array of values are your mappings for your pattern. See the values section below.

The array of strings is your pattern, and should be 3x tripple-letter strings.

Recipe Values

A recipe value is a mapping of character <–> an itemstack or material to be used in the crafting grid.

You can create these by the CaramelRecipeValueItem and CaramelRecipeValueMaterial constructors:

// A material value is only the material.
new CaramelRecipeValueMaterial('D', Material.DIAMOND)

// A item value is for more specific recipe values.
new CaramelRecipeValueItem('D', new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND))

Registering your recipes

Recipes are registered through RecipeLists. You can create these directly from the instance of Caramel:

// Define your list in your class:
CaramelRecipeList myRecipes;

// Inside your onEnable:
recipeList = Caramel.createRecipeList(

// Inside your onDisable: