

** Mika’s very own ESP library is not complete yet and is an unplayable state! **

Mika ESP v2

local MikaESP = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/klashdevelopment/Mika-Roblox/main/libraries/MikaESP/rewrite"))()

Inserting ESP Objects

Inserting takes:

Removing ESP Objects

Two ways:

Disabling MikaESP

To disable, we need a Stopmui value under the player. If MikaESP ever finds a Stopmui it will instantly stop as soon as possible.

local Stopper = Instance.new("NumberValue")
Stopper.Name = "Stopmui"
Stopper.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer

Finally, Init (Required)


Looking for the OG?

MikaESP v1 is not being supported, updated, or documented anymore. If you still REALLY want to use it, you may see here:

local MikaESP = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://x.klash.dev/libraries/MikaESP"))()